Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Will There Ever Be Another Carolyn Carroll?

I brag on my divas when I have the opportunity because they all mean so much to me. There is one who kind of lingers in the background, always popping in to encourage, pray for and share wisdom with everyone else while never really sharing her own needs or own pains.
Carolyn Carroll is a wonderful woman who works hard, prays harder and is always available to her sisters. She talks the Bible, walks the Bible and eats and sleeps it too. You never catch her with her "hair down" so to speak because she doesn't get carnal and fleshly with us. She keeps us focused on Christ and His impending return. She is like one of the grounding wires to the group and if I have never told you before, Carolyn, I love you. I appreciate you. I adore your personality. I cherish your friendship. I needed you as a sister. I consider you like a gift from God. Keep on being there for us, but also let us be there for you. I believe I speak for the whole group when I say that there isn't one of us who wouldn't sit up all night with you if you needed us to because we know you'd do it for us.

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